"USHA MAHILA VIKAS SAMITI" is a registered association under the Registration Act-21, 1995 of Bihar. Since this work is of great importance, the working committee of USHA MAHILA VIKAS SAMITI has adopted a resolution establishing an autonomous institute to meet the objectives.
2. Promoting quality education in rural India.
3. To improve living standards by disseminating. Knowledge of health and the environment.
4. To make the Greener World.
Patna Industrial Training Institute Started its Endeavor in 2010 P.I.T.I. offers state-of-the-art vocational training in various functional areas of specialization.
The Majority of the Indian Labor Force In youth, the nation does not possess marketable skills of vast potential on untapped reservoirs. The National Development Plan, covering all population sectors, provides Ample scope for the efforts of young people to be directed towards this goal, we have included the different Trades in our profile so that young people can have technical skills knowledge of various Trades for:-
1. Self employment.
2. To be employed in Govt. & Pvt. Ltd. Sector.