To serve society and provide Quality training and excellent Institute curriculum. Moreover to fill the gap Existing between demand and Supply of Labor Workforce by Skilled Titans.
We set up "patna iti" to fulfill my goal. Under the faith I opted for the role of theory and trust began in which several of the citizens joined us for successful work. The latest decision to open the I.T.I was taken by our representatives with us and we moved the petition to involve the government of Bihar State and the government of India to open the center. We have even received Government and tried to start the Institute.
Patna ITI's aim is to improve and strengthen the students ' professional skills so that they can make the best possible use of them to make a good career. Our goal is to provide them with a quality education that will help them maximize their job opportunities.
Patna ITI strives to provide every student with the best training they need in all high-tech employment in the electrical, fitter, machine and other fields of technology.
Create Skilled Workforce For the industry by providing quality vocational training to trainees. In order to equip them with the skills needed to face the Global Challenge with Work & Bum theme of value.
Our goal is to provide quality education and training directed to Best Industries to allow students to reach global expectations through dedication to quality and continuous improvement. Through excellence and ideal combination of academia and modern technology we aspire for results.